Accelerated Weight Loss in Atlanta - DrPND

Naturopathic Weight Loss in Atlanta & Marietta

Weight loss isn’t easy! The endless diets and exercise routines feel overwhelming and fighting hunger, emotions, and cravings is exhausting. With limited results and relapses occurring often, many patients give up. But Dr. PND is here to help with the naturopathic weight loss program in the Atlanta area! When people struggle with their weight, they often go to desperate measures to rid their bodies of unwanted pounds. Roller coasters or crash dieting is sometimes successful in helping people lose weight, but with the fat loss also comes a loss of lean muscle. With the loss of muscle mass, our metabolism will slow down. Most of the time, the weight will come back, and often much more! At the root of it all, there is always a reason our bodies hold on to fat. Weight loss is not just based on the number of calories you are eating and burning. While this approach may work for some, for others, it often fails. Weight loss is very much dependent on the body functioning optimally across multiple systems.

Why Choose our Accelerated Weight Loss Atlanta Program?

Our program for naturopathic weight loss in Atlanta is so much more than a typical weight loss diet. This virtual guided program uses the benefits of technology from the comfort of your home to help you achieve your desired optimal fat-loss goals. We customize a very thorough and comprehensive plan that is not based on guessing but on functional testing that shows the exact issues that need to be addressed. 

Is Naturopathic Weight Loss right for me?

The Accelerated Weight Loss Program is best suited for people who need/want to lose unwanted and/or extra body fat in a healthy and sustainable manner in the most optimal amount of time. They are prepared to make changes to their diet and lifestyle. 

This program is not suitable for the following individuals:

  • Those unprepared to go on a calorie-reduced diet
  • Pregnant women or women trying to conceive
  • Breast-feeding mothers
  • Those unable to commit to weekly follow-up (through email) feedback and adhering to a structured dietary intervention regimen and lifestyle modification of habits.
  • A current or past medical condition that prohibits the safe use of this program (e.g. cancer, hyperthyroidism, pituitary/adrenal tumor, a seizure disorder, unstable angina, type I diabetes, etc.)

What to expect from an accelerated naturopathic weight loss program?

Our approach to naturopathic weight loss in Atlanta will include a detailed medical history, a variety of thorough metabolic assessments, and specialty labs (stool, blood & urine) to look for unbalanced systems and hormones. Diet is discussed specifically to help reset the body. 

The goal of our accelerated weight loss program for Atlanta and Marietta residents is to find lifelong dietary habits that will keep you at a healthy weight while providing the proper optimal nutrition. We will discuss the importance of physical activity and determine what form will work best for you to give you ample energy while burning calories long-term. A highly individualized plan is developed specifically to your needs, and the journey begins.